The Bank of Coffey is the oldest bank in Daviess County (as of 1956) operating under its original...
Gone But Not Forgotten
Coffey Centennial (1856-1965): Lodges
The Masonic Lodge Earl Lodge No. 285 is the oldest lodge located in Coffey, MO. It was organized...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): School
The first school in Salem Township was held in the home of Mathew Harbord one mile west of Coffey,...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): Railroad
The railroad line between Trenton and Pattonsburg was constructed during 1896 and 1897, being...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): Business Scenes
These business scenes from Coffey, MO, were featured in the Coffey Centennial 1856-1956 book,...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): Baptist Church
The Coffey Baptist Church was organized on January 19, 1888. Elder U.H. Harper was elected...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): Methodist Church
The Methodist Church was the second church organize in Coffey, MO, in August, 1887. The first...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): Christian Church
According to the oldest church record in possession of the Coffey Christian Church, the first date...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): General History
The Village of Salem was platted in 1856 and the plat was recorded on July 29, 1856. One early...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): Early Settlers
In compiling information for the Coffey Centennial book, those people who settled within a 5-mile...
Coffey Centennial (1856-1956): Business Houses
Photos displayed in the Coffey Centennial (1856-1956) book under the heading, "Business Houses"...
Yesteryear Photographs of Jameson, MO
Scenes, people and businesses that once defined Jameson, MO: A Streetcar...